I Don’t Think You Know

I Don’t Think You Know

From lust, I awakened to love
In my disbelief, I believed
In my doubt, I trusted
Within the illegal, arose the legal.

In my ignorance, I knew you
In my weakness, you strengthened me
From my doctor, emerged a patient
As from the disease, came the cure

In the cold, I’d found warmth.

In my fear, I was brave
Like a fool, I grew wise
In my sin, I was good
In the cheapness, lay the price…

In my vengeance, I forgave
Through my jealousy, I leant empathy
With my pride, I was humble
In deceit, I was honest.

In my selfishness, I lost my self
In my turmoil, I was calm
In the panic, I glimpsed peace
In my impatience, I learnt tolerance.

Through my sorrow, I sought happiness
In the emptiness – there was you
In my loneliness, there was companionship
But in my nightmares lay reality…

From the darkness, shone the light
Through the betrayal, I was loyal
As if the loss would be my gain
From the lies, there dawned the truth –

For my love, there was none.

In my tomorrows, I saw today
To my love, was I just another tumble in the hay?
From the pain, they say comes the healing
As from winters, spring the summers seasoned.

But in life, what’s left is right
And though you’re wrong, you could very well be right,
So, I’ll laugh at the grieving, and kill the life
Whilst crying at the joke – though fallen – I shall rise!

But for present, that is past,
So I’ll let go in spasms of death.
For by life, death row,
I’m right with life still left.

Dedicated to my soul mate  elf – myself without the ‘S’ 

Composed26 August 1998

© Sona Barnes

2 thoughts on “I Don’t Think You Know

  1. I am inspired. You have a unique gift that you portray very well through the use of just the right words. I am very new to writing for pleasure and release of daily stresses, and even newer to sharing my words with others. Writers such as yourself make it possible for me to keep thinking of new ideas and ways to express them. feel free to drop in and see what the dark corners of my mind have to offer. Keep writing. Best wishes.


    • Thank you so much, JMC, your kind words are a confidence booster and your considerate critique provides valuable guidance.
      I love words… love to play on puns and double-entendres… In day-to-day life, I’m often greeted by bad eyebrows and rolling eyeballs, so although my poems are loaded with such, I wasn’t sure how it would be received.
      Thanks once again, for taking time to share your extremely valuable views. I will certainly drop by – led by the light of your mind, no doubt, motivating me all the way 😉
      And my very best wished to you, JMC!

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